Friday, January 11, 2013

January 2013- A New Beginning

      So here we are at the beginning of the new year. Normally there are Resolutions to be made...lose 5 lbs, eat better, clean the house, know the drill. But this new Year is different!  This New year is a time of ACTION! I am taking a deep breath and JUMPING IN - to my life -to my dreams. So no more thinking and talking I am just running headlong toward my desires.

    What does that mean exactly? That means that the Blog I have been dreaming about will be a reality. That the creative fun that I dream up in my head will again start to spill out into my "real-life" as it once flowed so freely. So to my husband and children who are along on my rollercoaster of a life I apologize and prewarn you that though desires do not come easily or cheaply they will come!

   If you are up for the adventure come along and join me as I document the transition from reality to fantasy creating "Myfairytalesandteaparties"